Thursday, November 28, 2013

About Me... Todo acerca de mi....

Miss Jenny's ELL and Bilingual Resources

Hi! My name is Jenny and I taught bilingual kindergarten for two years. Now, I am a pull out ELL/bilingual teacher for an early childhood school where I work with kindergarteners and preschoolers. I also just returned from a mission trip to South Africa where I trained teachers in early literacy strategies and SIOP strategies. 

As an ELL teacher, I know it is hard to find resources especially for English language learners in kindergarten and preschool. 

The school district I teach in, uses the Reading Street series. I teach the big question, vocabulary words and story a week ahead of the regular education classroom teacher. That way when they arrive to class on the following of Monday they have been exposed to the amazing words and big ideas and can confidently participate in class. 

You can get great resources for ELL students and all students at my shops at either:

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