Monday, December 9, 2013

Make Your Heart Grow, Grinch Theme Week Activities

Make Your Heart Grow: Grinch Theme Week Activities

This week, we read The Grinch Who Stole Christmas By Dr. Seuss. As I read the story:
  • We talked about whether the story is reality or fantasy and how do we know it is fantasy
  • The students came up with possible reasons why he did not like Christmas
  • We talk about what it means when Dr. Seuss "maybe Christmas means something a little bit more" and how you do not need presents and decorations to celebrate Christmas. 
  • We talked about how his heart grew, then we brainstormed as a class what makes their hearts grow

In order to prepare for the writing section of the kindergarten ACCESS test, the students had to write three things that happened in the story. 

I also differentiated for my students who struggle with writing (my beginning and entering students). They just had to draw and label 3 parts of the story. 
We also played a rapid pace game that was grinch themed. See my either of my stores on directions on how to play and purchase the game. Miss Jenny's Teachers Pay Teacher Story The students loved it especially after we read the story. 

In order to prepare for the listening section for the kindergarten ACCESS test, we made a Grinch that involved students following multiple step directions. 
The best part of this project is that students who struggle with fine motor skills still can rock this project. It does NOT have to be perfect, every Grinch should look different. The kids loved this and loved it did not have to be perfect. They also loved having freedom to make it how they want. 
1. Cut red triangles for hats
2. Draw 3 clouds on white paper,  outline in black, 2 for the hat and 1 for the neck, then copy it on White paper
3. Draw a circle head, outline in black marker and then copy it on green paper
4. Do ovals on yellow paper for eyes
5. Then cut small black and red 2 inch squares, let the students cut the pupils and nose however they want. 

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