Seeds Reading Street Unit 3 Week 5 ELL strategies
I introduce the amazing words by having the student match up pictures I printed out with the vocabulary words. I do this every week with the amazing words so the students can see the visuals of the vocabulary words being used in the story.
I read the following informational text with my ELL students
Seed to Plant/ De Semilla a Planta By Gilda Berger
Now I know Seeds By Gilda Berger
I am a Seed by Jean Marzollo and Judith Moffatt
We also read The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, we did a sequencing activity. Where the students put the story in order and then sounded out key words from the story next to each picture for example, we wrote the words seeds, water, weeds and carrot.
We did a "parking lot activity" answering the question of the week. The students each got a post and wrote a word using brave spelling and draw a plant, fruit flower or vegetable that grows from a seed.
We compared and contrasted Pumpkins and Apples
We read Las Flores from Calle lectura Series. We also reread the story Seed to Plant/ De Semilla a Planta book
We played a matching Spanish/English game with the following words:
plant planta
Seeds semillas
flower flor
Root raĆz
pit pipo
fruit fruto
color color
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